Using EFT to re-write the operating system

EFT was my "gateway drug" into the energy psychology space. The very first time I used it, I felt a shift of emotional energy...right away. When I tapped on pain, anxiety, anger, and early childhood separation from my mother, strange and wonderful things happened.
I can only suppose that's what it's like for people who start using illicit drugs to help them alleviate emotional pain: you use, you feel a shift. But with EFT, there are no drugs, no needles, no overdosing, just relief.
If you're not familiar with EFT, emotional freedom technique tapping, there is a lot of information here on our website describing it and using it to create some distance between you and any unpleasant emotional experience. I do NOT believe that it is the be all and end all of the fascinating array of energy techniques that are available and that we use, but you have to give credit where credit is due. And, EFT is the fastest way to help people see and EXPERIENCE an emotional shift, particularly when you are experiencing an unpleasant or painful emotion.
That's usually how people get introduced to EFT. They use it when they are anxious. They use it when they are afraid. They use it when they are angry. They feel a shift. They feel better and they carry on with life.
That's how we used it in my clinic and in the operating room and pre-op areas to help both children and adults lower their anxiety levels And it worked...really well.
But, that's not the only way we can use EFT. You see, when we use EFT, I am convinced that we are hitting the "pause button" on our emotional program and allowing us to insert a more pleasant emotion into the "emotional program" that is running in our head (or our heart...or our body...more on that later).
But eliminating things from our life experience isn't the only way to use EFT.
This week, I was horsing around with my kids in a pool and I leapt over the head of my oldest child. In the process of this middle-aged, acrobatic feat, I felt a pain in the back of my right leg that felt like getting hit with a sledge hammer. I tried to stand up and nearly fell. So, I got out of the water and felt the back of my leg and felt a pretty big soft spot just above my heel where you would normally feel your Achilles tendon. I managed to tear my Achilles completely in half.
As you might imagine, it was a pretty painful injury and will require some surgery to put it all back together. Until then, I just have to wait for the inflammation to settle down and just put up with it until next week or the week after for surgery.
Rest, ice, pain killers, my doctor said. Where do you want me to send the prescription?
Immediately after the injury, however, I started tapping on the injury and found the pain to be quite tolerable, at least for now. In fact, I've been sleeping a little better since the injury, probably because I've been tapping several times a day and just before I go to bed.
And, just for the heck of it, I've been introducing another statement (while I tap) about loving that part of my body, and imagining sending healing energy, blood flow, nutrients and joy to my right leg. And, you know what? Every time I do it, the leg feels better and I get a smile back on my face. Is it miraculously healed? No. Is my life better for tapping on it? Absolutely.
I think that we finally learning to realize as a species that we are not bodies with souls, having a painful, unpleasant experience here on Earth. Maybe we should start understanding that we are powerful souls having a human experience and that these bodies are hard-wired with negative emotions that help us survive by fighting, hiding, running away or screaming for help any time we encounter something that our caveman minds interpret as a threat to our health, safety and welfare. Then, will we start the long journey to fulfilling our destiny to experience life as exactly what we imagine it to be...because we are powerful beings without knowing it..
EFT is a powerful way to get started.
Part of pain is emotion. Emotion is the energy that we as human beings use to create long-term memory. Emotion is the primary language of human beings. Every decision we make is run through an emotional filter that we developed as children. Our bodies use emotions to create a set of instructions on how to function from moment to moment. The evidence of this is emotional fatigue, tirelessness when we are doing things we love and broken heart syndrome.
Emotions are a big deal. Consciously controlling them and deciding where that energy is going is a powerful way to live your life.
I will let you know when I need some pain medication. For now, I'm doing fine.