If stress, sadness, anger and hopelessness can make you sick, why can’t relaxation, happiness, joy and hope make you well? It is often difficult for people to wrap their head around using positive emotions to establish good health because our automatic, caveman-level operating system that has helped us survive for perhaps millions of years uses the negative emotions of fear, anger, violence, sadness and anxiety to help us survive….mostly by avoiding circumstances that can kill us. This is how we have been hard-wired for centuries and it has worked well to serve the survival of the species. But it doesn’t always help us live the high-energy, creative, emotionally-empowered lives most of us truly desire in our heart of hearts. Learning how to engage the positive emotions of acceptance, thoughtfulness and gratitude while SIMULTANEOUSLY engaging our imagination is a powerful recipe for emotional well-being, but requires practice to get good results. That is our focus here at Doc of Unlock: to teach the specific tactics to engage the true nature of who we are. We are energetic, emotional, creative spirits living in caveman bodies. Learning to honor both parts of who we are is the key to creating the life you love. Â