This is a free masterclass and protocol designed by Dr. Teel to help his patients reduce the irritation of chronic tinnitus or ringing in the ears. Chronic tinnitus is a persistent auditory condition characterized by the perception of noise in the ears without any external sound source. Commonly described as ringing, buzzing, hissing, or clicking, tinnitus can vary in intensity and may be continuous or intermittent. It can affect one or both ears and often accompanies hearing loss. While the exact cause of tinnitus can vary, it is commonly linked to exposure to loud noises, age-related hearing loss, earwax blockage, or underlying medical conditions such as cardiovascular problems, neurological disorders, or ear injuries. Chronic tinnitus can significantly impact a person’s quality of life, leading to sleep disturbances, concentration difficulties, anxiety, and stress. Although there is no cure for tinnitus this protocol can help you manage symptoms and improve the overall well-being if you are affected by this condition.
Dr. Teel recommends a full medical evaluation prior to using the program, but it’s free to use and you can start today.
Watch the lectures and listen to his soothing guided meditation.